The Divine Matrix or heavenly earth is nothing new and has always been in existence as a dimension.
Read MoreAll religions and structured spiritual paths are like planets within the universe of spirit. These planets were launch pads built by the religious founders to blast off into the world of spirit and heavenly freedom. A universal message to all that they too could do the same.
Read MoreWe are pure light and the world is a playground where we cast shadows. Sometimes we remember who we are and then we forget.
Read MoreWe go deep as we stop trying to use an old map on a new landscape. The Higher Self is the latest map in every given moment.
Read MoreAs you gradually dis-identify from the personality, what it represents and with whom/what it is associated, then something powerful occurs.
Read MoreThe observer was totally free and one with the Divine and fully focused on the Divine. When the observer took it’s eye off the Divine it seemed to become a person lost in thought seeking freedom by altering the thinking person it thought it was.
Read MoreThe unburdened spirit is free unless it comes under the spell of thinking it is an entity in pain.
For the inner self to be a victim there must be a corresponding inner shadow posing as an aggressor on which the inner victim can stand to justify being a victim.
Read MoreEach traveler finds their own way. Many religious and ideological teachings have hidden pointers which are worthless without awareness.
Read MoreRight now the human collective is being pressured by the drama to face and acknowledge its shadow with love so that it can transcend its inadequacies. An inadequacy is simply an idea of self that needs to be surrendered.
Read MoreOur powers of clairvoyance emerge as we surrender….
Read MoreI have found that the parts of the self that can be triggered need to be addressed e.g. I have to love the bits of me that are being triggered.
Life will keep pressing my buttons because on some level I have asked for them to be pressed. The buttons represent unloved parts of the self.
Read MoreThe one who desires is not you.
Desires originate from ideas of a self with which you mistakenly identify.
This false self is based on beliefs of inadequacy.
Read MoreEverything that you ever witnessed and felt as you travelled the river of life has brought you to this place now where you can experience yourself in ways that you could not have imagined before.
Read MoreAs we spirits exit the story of ‘I’ and withdraw our roots from old ideas of who ’I am’ something huge takes place. We become free to co-create beyond the boundaries we previously accepted as real and impossible to transcend.
Read MoreAs we transform we move from a THOUGHT driven existence into one based more progressively on BEING.
Read MoreThe energy of all our collective thoughts, words, actions and intentions over all time has spread across the vastness of the collective.
These millennia of karmic threads overlap and interconnect like an unlimited and expanding 3D spider's web.
The web is a vast energy trap restraining everyone in it on many levels.
Read MoreDeep within each of us is our divine template like the living being inside of a multilayered egg
The one who is the embodiment of love and beyond fear
Using an imaginary scalpel of love, cut through all egg shell layers of ideas of whom you think you were prior to the ‘Now’
Read MoreWe are One that finds ways to dance as many figures.
Each figure is an ‘I’ having a unique set of experiences.
This dance takes all figures on their countless journeys through a myriad of layers.
Read MoreLove the part of you that hurts.
Love what you have.
Love what you do.
Love all your experiences that are simply Life’s teachers.
Love all those who have lost sight of love.
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