Recognising the Shadow behind Fear
The unburdened spirit is free unless it comes under the spell of thinking it is an entity in pain.
For the inner self to be a victim there must be a corresponding inner shadow posing as an aggressor on which the inner victim can stand to justify being a victim.
The inner shadow goes unrecognised by the spirit as long as the inner victim projects its victimhood onto others in it’s outer world reality by denying its shadow.
Both the inner victim and inner shadow on which the inner victim stands are illusions which only collapse once the shadow’s existence has been acknowledged.
On realisation by spirit that the shadow and victim are illusory polar opposite installed ideas that validate each other then only by the spirit stepping back and allowing the shadow and victim to unite do they both disappear together. When this happens spirit wakes up and understands that it had fallen into a false perception of itself. The spirit was afraid to admit to the shadow’s existence for fear of admission that it was harbouring a malevolent entity. So it pretended the entity was an external rather than internal problem.
Realising that both victim and shadow are only unreal mental constructs that validate each other allows both these opposites to implode and free the spirit from the trap of a false identity and it’s shadow.