Collective Awareness
The energy of all our collective thoughts, words, actions and intentions over all time has spread across the vastness of the collective.
These millennia of karmic threads overlap and interconnect like an unlimited and expanding 3D spider's web.
The web is a vast energy trap restraining everyone in it on many levels.
Only when we begin to deepen our awareness of this, then it starts to become clearer that we have to collectively acknowledge our collective predicament and work together if we truly want to be free.
The web exists in an energy field of divine love. By committing to tune into this field of love, we are able to shake off our engagement to the magnetic strands of fear and attachment that make up the karmic web.
This ultimate collective surrender also precipitates our collective realisation that our unified effort to bring about oneness is the solution to the complex web in which we entrapped ourselves in an attempt to compete with each other and the rest of nature.
The cosmic dance comes full circle.