Facing Our Shadow

Who is creating the shadow?

It is the ‘self’ that identifies as ‘good’.

Is it really ‘good’?

Who decided that this ‘self’ is ‘good’?

The light of consciousness exposes this ‘good’ self by projecting its shadow as a dark or ‘bad’ self which we can deny.

So what is the highest and real form of shadow work? Once we can see that the ‘good’ self identity that we re-enforce is creating the shadow of ‘bad’ self then our focus changes.

This change or shift is to one of being as we step into the light of consciousness. As we make this shift, we gradually let go of the ‘good’ self. As the ‘good’ self shrinks then so does it’s shadow.

Our realisations reveal that dis-identifying from a limited self and embracing the divine reality. This gives us the experience of inner freedom and being more able to discern and navigate our outer world.

Paul Roche