Self Deception
“Your enemy will
hide in the last place you
will ever look”
Julius Caesar
Unknown to most of us, we are being controlled by programming which always seems to end up making our decisions for us.
From the time we are able to sense anything, through childhood and beyond we are told how to think and behave. We learn how to experience pleasure through desires and rewards and what we are prepared to do to get what we want.
Our fear of pain and loss teaches us how to react and shapes our beliefs.
As we grow up, if our personality develops any sense of inadequacy, there is an unconscious attempt to compensate for our inadequacy by creating a personality extension. For example someone who feels less due to being physically small and weak may find they are able to excel academically and through getting recognition for their superior intellect.
This add-on of personality is then able to somehow mask the inadequate personality that preceded it.
As we move through life further add-ons are sure to arise as a coping response and which progressively cause splits with the overall personality framework.