Shift into Now - Change your World

Now is the Best Moment Ever.

Right now… Vibrate with Truth.

Allow all layers of separation to dissolve. Layers of false identities.

What holds these layers to us?


The universe is telling us that a new reality on a higher frequency band is calling us. Fear and other painful emotions exist in a lower frequency band reality. The higher band consists of divine frequencies.

Our destiny is here to pull us out of a quicksand of attachments that serve the human collective less and less.

Tune in to your Divine core, dive into Source, the Ocean of pure feelings and surrender any layers of false identities founded on limited ideas and conditioning. Give up those aspect of self and retreat into your Divine core which is connected to Truth.

As these false layers are exposed you will feel fear of loss speaking to you in many forms. That’s ok. Know that only fear dies.

Be free and your freedom will open a window…. A window which reveals to others a world of beautiful possibilities that was always there hidden under the carpet of a fearful world that slowly grew under our feet as we forgot to pay attention.

You were, are and always will be truly loved.

Choose to reunite with your original beauty now as you remove your attention from the carpet of fear.

Make this shift in your awareness and embrace a new world.

Paul Roche