Meant to Be
Predestiny, free will, blame and the mystery of existence.
Once it is acknowledged that we could not possibly have made any decisions in the past other than those that we made then we are faced with the stark realisation that we are in a predestined drama. What makes us think we ever had a choice? Freewill has got to do with a self that needs to be in control. Blame is about a self that wishes to shift responsibility elsewhere when it loses a sense of control. Think about the countless times you could have died but didn’t. How can you explain that?
The world it seems is indeed a stage and we are each sometimes witnessing a magical unfolding or else a sensory experience of gain and loss.
Time gives us the experience that something is happening and it is being observed from many perspectives by each experiencer. Whether there is pleasure, pain or joy, the experience and how it is processed is what it is.
The more we realise, the less we can say about anything.