Time follows the Divine Plan
Hey friends
Those of you who are souls with heightened ESP, spiritual healers, light workers and good meditators will be aware of the undercurrents of this human world reality which are stirring very strongly at the moment. The future attractors towards which we are being pulled are increasing in power to drag the human collective out of a great ignorance on the earth plane which continues to keep mundane humans in false beliefs that freedom lies in a society driven by fear, false hope and a final scientific solution leading to a one world government of strict control over the entire earth.
Luckily this is not going to happen because destiny has a different plan.
The deconstruction of this mundane reality has been a hollowing out of the framework from below the surface and once this reality begins to collapse, those trapped in an extrapolated future of the mainstream news media narrative will begin to awaken. They will realise that they have been misled by an agenda that never loved them.
I invite all my friends who are not yet aware to do your own research beyond govt and media appointed representatives who are encouraging people to queue up for their solution or else face rejection.
Be strong all of you! Know the difference between who loves humanity and those who want to subjugate it.
The ‘news’ is not the truth and it has an agenda behind it. I have done my research and as an energy healer, I have spent the past 30 years taking off blindfolds that kept me within the limited human story of a contracting reality that is fast reaching the boundaries of its own existence.
So I urge any of you who still get all your information from the the world systems to look inside yourself and dig below the surface. What doesn’t make sense usually is nonsense.
Be alert and become aware beyond your fear of what you may lose by unfollowing what you are encouraged to believe.
If you find yourself feeling alone when you draw back the curtain of illusion, remember there are millions of others waking up on earth. You are not alone. We are strong, here for you and in tune with the highest destiny of the human spirit.
I love you all