The Inner Mechanic
Trusting that a higher intelligence or higher self is the main source of insight that partially seeps through to us as intuition or gut feeling is fairly commonly accepted.
So how do we increase our level of higher self awareness?
Imagine the idea of stepping aside of our need to control our destiny and allowing it to be fully guided by our higher self that stands behind us.
How does that idea feel?
Is it scary?
If our higher self has our best interests at heart, would it not take us up the easiest path to self-fulfilment?
By stepping aside with trust and faith while requesting inner guidance we may begin to become aware of flaws and self-destructive aspects of our personality after witnessing far more effective ways that our higher self places in our mind.
In a way our higher self can serve us if we allow it to flow through us and into our life.
Perhaps the fear most people experience is the idea that they would become irrelevant if their higher self replaced them.
What if our destiny was to actually become one with our higher self?
If we could see our Higher Self as a mechanic that repairs all the distorted aspects of our personality wouldn’t we truly want that?
So if we allowed our higher self to enter our inner world and trusted it to make all necessary recalibrations, wouldn’t that be cool?
All we would have to do is trust in that which has our best interests at heart and surrender our familiar self to it.
Our higher self would then bring Light to our inner shadows as we become more fully conscious of ourselves as divine beings