Nothing and Everything
Sheik Nazim, a wise man and one of my spiritual teachers once said, “I am nothing. I have nothing”. At the time I could not get my head around this statement. The implication that being nobody is a good thing was hard to swallow. A couple of decades later that statement is looking a lot more obvious when experienced as a meditation. To shift our awareness into one beyond personality, time and detail for a moment puts us in a place of No time, No past and No future. This can be scary for the ‘self’ that lives within a time frame. As we exit a time frame existence into a state of ‘no time’, it’s as if we enter a different reality which is eternal and ever present. A reminder to the experiencer that I am consciousness itself being channeled through the filters of mind and body to think and feel like an entity that appears real in space and time. It’s a limited lifespan experience where a mind-body reality appears and then one day disappears. Consciousness reminds me how when one light source passes through a glass prism it splits into different colours. So one then appears to be projected as a spectrum of many. Our spiritual awakening seems to indicate the discovery of the Source and the illusion of the projection. Learning that we are the Source being expressed as multi dimensional realities with each reality having a unique set of experiences. The more our sense of separation, the more our feeling of isolation from Source. As we shift our focal point back to Source, the role we play on the world stage becomes very different. Rather than defining ourselves from a human perspective relative to others and our environment we allow our Higher Self or Unique Source Expression or Divine Signature to flow through us as divine virtues. Becoming a Self-Sovereign is simply radiating our unique divine nature like a ray of light and creation of the Source.