Birth Pains
To me it really does literally feel like an old world is imploding right now.
The routes to all my plans have been collapsing. I have had to surrender to it internally.
It’s like the external world is a projection of a ‘me’ on the inside that is dissolving. I feel fear and emotional reactions emerging and then dissolving as I dis-identify from them.
It really does feel like a caterpillar whose time to surrender its ‘self’ has come. As time moves forward the window of this ‘self’ is shrinking and is pushing me towards the feeling of a oneness that defies any idea of a ‘self’ that is familiar to me.
It’s telling me to trust in destiny and allow this ‘self’ to implode in favour of a vast and limitless awareness that unifies all beings.
Having said that, as this process unfolds we have to work within the limits of a collapsing system that is having contractions whilst it gives birth to the truth it has been covering in the human story since the beginning of the fall of humanity.